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Afro Pubis fan vad sämst ni är! fan vad bra jag är!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-02-09 20:42

Afro Pubis fan vad sämst ni är! fan vad bra jag är!

Afro Pubis

Lacin my shoes and steppin outside/
Blazin a few,the weather is mild/
Feel a breeze of freedom strokin my haircut/
Feel another breeze bashin my bare nuts/
Cruising down slope after slope/
Smoke smoke,I think I saw the pope on the loaf/
Or maybe my imagination is foolin my brain/
It's fuckin up like heroin straight in the vain/
I face questions from people who dont understand/
Raised properly and now livin in a wonderland/
Poor puppies expect life to be a dance on roses/
You'll get thorns in your paws,keep 'em loafers/
Sandals,Tim'boots or sneakers/
Afro the rap-messiah is todays teacher/
The wall breacher/Know everythin about
Lyrics,attitude,flow but i'm a moody bitch/
So if you wanna learn go ahead and google it!!!!/
It's a reason I aint gonna be your damn professor/
If we meet it will change from curiosity to obsession/

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