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2008-02-03 10:01

Mad lyrics

Sometimes shit feels like nothing for me, I’m ill.

Like I just need a pill.

So I wont go crazy through all days.

Till I stand with a gun aiming on my face.

A bullet came flying.

I didn’t duck, I got hit, so I’m dying.

That’s how it is when she moved in, no lying.

I’m talking about that stupid bitch.

The stupid bitch bringing home womens that rich.

For me, I just want to steal.

But that’s not for real.

I gotta act up and be like a man.

She tells me to slit my throat with a Coke can.

Fuck that, bitch, you don’t control me, you aint the boss here.

You aint no queen here.

You’re just a stupid fat lady.

In this song I express my hate to you, aint shady.

It’s open for you, to come and eat it.

And then I run up to your face and beat it.

Smash it into pieces, back to your homeland.

Where your house is burried in dark sand.

And I hope you fucking die cause you made me mad.

You control this house and you use my dad.

You use him like you use the bathroom.


Yeah, that’s your fucking words yesterday!

When I first saw you I thought you would be nice from that day.

But no, I was wrong.

That’s why this is for you, this song.

For the fucking things you made to me.

You aint no stranger.

I wanna kill you and burry you in a R Ranger.

I fucking hate you so fucking much.

I should’ve seen you were a pussy bitch from the first touch.

When I said Hello, no lying.

Now I’m sitting here and just dying.

No more tears for you bitch.

For all the shit you put me through.

Problems with my school, with my father, thinking I’m a fool.

With mother, she’s hating me so hard!

Thanks to you, I’m classed as a retard.

You fucked me till I was so low!

Lower than hell!

I’m sitting in this shell.

Filled with lava and fire.

You love fire, come down here so you can see how you’ll admire. This fire!

I don’t want to waste no more time on to do this for you and your family too.

All I wanna do is scream FUCK YOU!

Which I think I just did do…


The only time you feel alive is when you're dead