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2008-01-11 15:14


It's about time I brang you with me to Malmo city
Where shit is on so you never catch me slippin..
Watch your back young boy, this town will haunt ya
Lucifer tryina snatch your soul around the corner
He's tryina drag you deep down in the darkness
You reach out to keep out but he's heartless..
I'm sparkin the weed, I got demons in my dome
and as far as it seems they ain't leavin me alone
Cause I got a jones and I'm feindin for that coke
Shit is cold, my best friend dealin me the blow
Behold for the devils seduvtive powers makes
the greatest warrior turn to a fuckin coward
Yeah.. he got a hold of you in the cobra cluth
and refuses to open up till your soul is stuck
He's in the lies you speak and your broken trust
You feel him in the air around the smokey dust..
Everyone of us has been burnt by hells flames
we all been hurt and felt pain but things change
Word... and make sure your choices is right
Cause one bad decision can poision your life..
forever.. so think 'fore you sniffin that snow
plus the cigarette smoke is killin you slow..
I learn from my past when I battle addiction
and master my wisdom like a mathematician
Sense, expericence and knowledge is king
Put you mind to it and you can conquer all things
He got me kept in the hole and ain't lettin me go
But the devil knows that I'm never sellin my soul

I came to settle the scores...