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Danny Blade - Sick shit (You have been warned!)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-01-01 02:00

Danny Blade - Sick shit (You have been warned!)

Here's the real dream team
come to split ya spleen
You dissin' me?
...I'm crackin' up like fiends!*
Need cake? I got a bakesale
How much you need?
A thousand ki's?!
I could give ya that for free!
My flow's intangible
like the G-Man's seed*
You know what I mean?
No? fuck...I mean Jeez!*
Underground? Hell yes - a million feet
Rockin' Earth's core while you're just waist deep!
Talkin' shit behind my back?
Come over and face me...
Bitch, I'd kick your ass,
if I wasn't so lazy!

*(If you don't get it...wow.)
*(God 'impregnated' Holy Mary without physical contact)
*(...thus creating Jesus)

Försökte med ett annat slags flow. Typ 2 rader i en rad. Äkta street fiction, hoppas det gillas!

A historian is a prophet in reverse