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Diseased bacteria

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-11-03 17:06

Diseased bacteria

A paperbit predicts the future
All seeing eye opening a Pyramid Pandora
Built on a make-believe history as usual
Qoutin' the dollar bill: NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM
The signs've been there, and as far as I remember
Terrorist acts didn't start September eleventh

It ain't a terrorist act till it hits America
Sacred hour, planes, towers and diseased bacteria
They react and seize an area, so ask the Iraqi people
How you define terrorism
What's the diffrence between 9/11 and op. Iraqi freedom?
So use your mind, come on, jus' set it free man!
On CIA mind control, television and MKULTRA LSD tabs
'Cause I've studied the history of mysteries
From an enslaving gathering that seems to exist for misery
To a parasite government, the home of the brave
That makes its founders cradle and turn in their graves
'Cause really, ya' gotta be kiddin' me, you believe in these
Lies told by a government built from pirates and mutiny?
Hell yeah I justify plain crashes, it's a sane reaction
To lifelong oppression being raised in a fractured nation
So keep burning the flags, everlasting freedom(e) figthers
Fighting for the future and people's rights
But yet, I couldn't care less

norman bates behemot
bubba fett alfred bello
arthur's detour azazello