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Trixan - My thoughts of you

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-10-13 01:46

Trixan - My thoughts of you

Första gången jag skriver på engelska typ på allvar... har inte gjort sånnahär texter innan heller men aja det blev som det blev...

I'm such a bunch of looser, I am hopeles,
the only thing I want is you to come closer.
wane show my emotions, but it seems like they have frozen,
tries to focus, but all the things I have is useles.
The only thing that can make things up is drugs,
fuck, no money, and I have no stuff.
You mean a lot to me, and that's a wonderful feeling,
wane touch the air you're breathin', i need you, and you need me.
I'm weeded, now it seems like things will be easier,
so say, to express, you're makin' my cheast..
beat so hard, so I think I have been stabbed to death.
my heart beats so hard for you, that i wane put it in your soul,
just to show, how we will grow,...together, forever,
in a place in heaven, and noobody can stop us, not even the devil.
you are the only thing that matters in this fucked up world,
and the first thing i want you o do is SUCK COCK GIRL.  

Ge konstruktiv kritik tack. Skriv vad som va bra och dåligt. vill bli bra på att skriva på engelska...
pz n love

Jag ligger i soffan och dricker min vodka
tills den är borta och spliffen har slocknat