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Chyde - When you fall in love (Kommentera!)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-09-21 12:15

Chyde - When you fall in love (Kommentera!)

When you fall in love
When you fall in love
When you fall in love
When you fall in love

Verse 1:
It's unexplained through my veins I can feel how it moves
I'm amazed while her face shines up, I'm confused
My inner hate fades away as the rush infuses
For my excitement, I've got no excuses
While she walks swinging them hips to the rhytm of music
That I bump in my phone I can feel how my nervs loses it
Feeling crazed not knowing it's only lust and love fuming
Facing the basic facts, it's love (love, love) I'm tooling with
Now she's looking right into me her pretty eyes overwhelms
I'm smiling, she's smiling back, now I can feel my heart melt
Thinking whoever invented love, must be full of imagination
While my fantasy's crosses the line of highly exaggerating

This lady invented thoughts I thought I'd never would have
I've never felt such overwhelming by love so bad
A mixture of happyness, desperate lust and confusion
Love got so many directions but no safely solution,
to keep it up!

When you fall in love, you got to open and give out all of you
When you fall in love, then expose the fantasy to the limit ohohoh

When you fall in love, carry the responsibility with pride
When you fall in love, 'cause, you're one of few with a bride

• honor. loyalty. reputation. respect. •