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första texten, engelska, kritik!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-09-06 16:36

första texten, engelska, kritik!

trots att jag är värdelös på att skriva texter osv så har jag gett det ett försök.

I would not want to try and second-guess the Lord's intentions /

and to assume that part of his great plan includes /

some of these actions we see around us /

all the prayer in the world will not stop a hurricane. /

But prayer will give you the courage to be able to respond to the devastation /

that's caused in your life /

We don't have the power to prevent illness in all cases /

I don't pretend to understand the wisdom and the power of God. I do believe in prayer /

Tragedies happen. They transform people's lives beyond recognition,/

imposing the authority of nonresolution /

there are tragic stories unfolding between human failure . /

Tragedies hit people on an individual level, /

but they can also transform communities and even whole continents. /

tragedies happend everywhere, big as small we have to dig trough 'em all /

How can we cope with tragedies? /

When all that we see

are world leaders

killing the world readers

How can we cope with tragedies?

When all that we see

are world leaders

killing the world readers

How can we cope with tragedies?

When all that we see

are world leaders

killing the world readers

ge kritik, vill höra om det är lönt att kicka igång sin rap karriär med denna text (första texten).