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Den tunna linjen mellan skämt och allvar

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-08-14 22:33

Den tunna linjen mellan skämt och allvar

i'll soon be known for dropping raw shit on boom-bap beats
and have my name sopping on more lips than Bush's ass-cheeks
See, my idea of a joke might seem ill n unsound
so you faggots better watch it when im kidding around
it might just end up with me bringing a brown
killing you clowns, and put your kids in the ground
taperecording them, gore-ridden and bound,
with dampened pieces of rags in their mouths
to quiet the sound, of their screams and pleads
My deeds leeds you to shriek like banshees
weeeping as they bleed when i deepen their wounds
Carve in my name and let them sleep in a tomb
Fuck the chair and the damn IV as well
cause ill leave you like clams, covered in shells
accompanied to claps and bangs you hover to hell
ain't it swell, how you'll be running for your life
while i'll be running on knifes, just to step to the point
Dislocate your grannys knee-joint and gunning your wife
your family can forget about having an open casket
Since you'll be in more pieces than a leprasy mascot

"Jag var också rap när jag var fjorton år man."