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My made mind matters me, mostly momentarily

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-07-09 15:38

My made mind matters me, mostly momentarily

Always looking for names, hooked on and aimed
With lines keeping faces looking puzzled and aged
Rhymes stuck in a place where they stopped to amaze
With rappers only rapping for the money and fame
No love for the game..
'Cause love's gone looking for somebody else
Stuck in a pondering cell, wondering when
Something can oversee her faults and start to love her again
Probably never..
I'm just tired to find the solution, time and conclusion
Too tired to write lines and rhymes, too tired to produce 'em
A lost of interest, interjected with an inner sense
That's been grubbling my mind ever since last winter break
Tired of being the same little, aged, crippled man
Stuck at the bottom, just not never feeling anything
..or simply feeling too much


norman bates behemot
bubba fett alfred bello
arthur's detour azazello