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Soul Wire - Hustler Power (session)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-06-11 13:41

Soul Wire - Hustler Power (session)

Lyssnade på Soul Power och Electric Wire Hustler Flower.

Lyricism is deceased,
Legends rest in peace, one lession for free
An essence of weed with a session that reads
"A prophet shall return and the message is me"
"Ask and you shall recieve" then Hell will rise
I've deleted better shit than you'll ever write
I send my regards to your fam through a semi automatic
Since I'm idiosyncratic, whoa is now grabbing dictonaries (Haha)

A stranger in a mirror tells me to chill
Broken glass on a floor then Hell finally begins
Blood and cigarettes spread across my carpet
At concerts I aim my cross hair towards the mosh pit
Envy is a funny thing, just scroll down to my comments
With a t-shirt like that our paths are made to cross, bitch
I outclassed everyone;
And all I needed 10 minutes with Common's shit

Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains
Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose