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2007-05-27 12:08

Min första eng text :P hoppas den dög ^^ sag vad ni vill bara det hjälper mig ^^

I see people talking shit about me
But i think its time for me, to see

That the people that i tought was my friends
That, stabbed me in the back and then

Fled without lend me a hand so fuck all them
If u were my real friends then u would stay by my side

At all time, u really were a part of my life !
But im sick and tired of u, i have my rights

To do what i want, rap is my way to see the light
Cuz i love to turn my thougts into bars

It might come as a shock but what
Is ur problem man? i thought u were done

With all of that bull shit talking
Go out of the way, man stop blocking

Dont stand in my way of my journey for success
This is my life, i hope y'all faggets see that

If u got something to say, come and face me
But all i really want is that u will stop hate me

Vill gärna ha konstruktiv kritik eller vad det heter :P Peyz