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Dumsak men ändå flumsmart....

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-05-25 00:04

Dumsak men ändå flumsmart....

Let´s proceed to blow weed and throw peace as knowledge
becuse the ignorents causes mass problems, thats bothers
  our sisters and brothers, fathers and mothers....
is the whole world, show love for thos who grows stuff
becouse those puffs fills you up like guns from "poé poés"
  so we need this weed to breathe in peace...
and to carry on having dreams to succed in freedom
a thought thats now a fact is realize´d with´in seedgrown....
  I´ts only mother earth whos has blessed us from birth..
With herbs that can make the world turn so let´s burn it
together with a buds bud, we´re all buds in this journey
  so keep searching, keep burning for more learning...
Is all that they have to say and we´re on the way
like stripes glowin from in the late sunlight, its great
  Stay strong, pray long for the slavery has just begun...
  so go find Jah home, light jah joint and carry on...

Är jag inte här har jag väl förmodligen inte kommit än!