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All u gotta do is listen

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-02-19 04:24

All u gotta do is listen

 I wanna kiss you, hug you miss you, love you,
 I miss to love you, I miss to hug you...
 You were allways on my side, on my mind all the time
 When I lay awake at night I still want you on my side..
 Cause u made it right baby you saved my life baby
 But then u broke my heart and made me go crazy....
 Damn baby... we even talked about marriage
 Havin kids, shared laughs, made love so heavenly...
 When u gave me the first kiss I swear there were no gravity...
 Actually I felt as happy as can be
 Can't be on my own for no longer there were nothin stronger
 And I never lied baby, I kept it all honest
 I promise.. u were my goddess, my princess
 My one and only gangstaqueen in my fantasy
 But eventually my kingdom became a prison
 We can make it right baby, all u gotta do is listen...

tillägnad: ingen, haha.

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