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IbbiiisH - Opposite Minds

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-01-28 09:28

IbbiiisH - Opposite Minds

War and peace, black and white
Happening everyday and every night
Rich and poor, high and low
We are all the same, in this earth we grow

Love and hate, bush and saddam
Too many conflicts, you know it man
Blood and tears, death and life
Show sum respect, keep a good mind

I keep on walking on these streets, just to reach a destination
We are walking amongst murderers, snap out of this illusion
Politicans dont show action, and people dont wanna listen
Children growing up in ghettos, getting into convictions

Too much bullshit here, when will it come to an end?
Failure of obligations, everybody goes condescend
Why do criminals roam the underground? there must be a reason
Ignored by the society, so they're missled into treason

Just beliving, they're dependence lies in hate and anarchy
Shouting fuck the system, thats how it looks in todays reality
Paying indemnities, commiting felonies, it goes on and on
Instead for helping them in the suburbs, they lock them up


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