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Aikio - Streets

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-01-06 22:23

Aikio - Streets

Min första låt på engelska.. Vad tycks??

When they said the war was over, i knewd it just was the begining
We lost the battle, our soidlder gived up and we lost in a minute
They take our hood away, our streets was gone
And the motherfucker blowed our buisness and the beef was on (agin)
I wet down my face with cold wather and beg to the god father
That nothing bad going to happand me and by blod brothers
I drived down town, the enymis point at my car
And i just shaked my head, what really is the point of a war?
Pepole dieing, just becuse the live at the east side
Of the town, i dont now thats just the way it is on the street life

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