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Komik - Merry Christmas

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-12-23 03:27

Komik - Merry Christmas

It was raining at first, clouds and all that in view
Bouncing all my issues, with no couch to fall back into
No spouse to contact when you, feel empty and sad
So I envy the fact that I've got plenty of snacks
About ten million bags, and I think I sold my soul
To a remote-control that keeps saying I told you so
I've been here for three months just wasting my time
Watching Conan O'Brien and re-runs of Days of our lives
I'm doing amazingly fine! I've got my bundle of joy
That makes me mongoloid while currently un-employed
I want palmtrees and some sand between my toes
A mansion in the Hills and perhaps Catherine Zeta Jones
I'm laughing and breathing slow, I'm lost in this purple haze
This world is great, when everything moves in a turtles pace
Anyways, Christmas is near and on my whislist this year
I hope Santa throws in alot of Rizzlas and beers..

I'm Superman! King fucking Kong! I can pick you up and throw you a million miles. I'm number one. Number fucking one. I'm number one. Number fucking one. Number one! Number one! Number one!