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Komik - Murda Rap

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-12-22 23:54

Komik - Murda Rap

People say my brain's gone, well my mind is a mess
Nothing left on the right and Nothing right on the left
Go plumber on your ass, end your life with a wrench
Left like a damn hedgehog, with spikes in your chest
Now you, want me to be a man & fight you to death?
Motherfuck you, I strike you with a pipe to your legs
Leave you fucking suicidal, with a bible, a rifle & pills
Bitch, I don't give a flying fuck if your wife's innocent
Leave her in your bed, dead, with a knife in her head
Please stop?! I am just beginning to be violent in this
Sho' up at your kids baptism with a license to drench
Fucking rip your spine out & whip your minors with it
Fuck it, I'll just throw them in a pit with a lion instead
With a bloodthirsty spider by the size of a tiger & shit
If y'all for some fuckin' reason survived these events
I'd do it again & again, just to remind you of them..

I'm Superman! King fucking Kong! I can pick you up and throw you a million miles. I'm number one. Number fucking one. I'm number one. Number fucking one. Number one! Number one! Number one!