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Z1/juz a little shit i had on my mind!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-12-05 11:52

Z1/juz a little shit i had on my mind!

lite skit som flög in i skallen nyss.

juz a little rytm n rhymes
with a few lines i had on my my mind
keep up dont get left behind
juz lean with it lean back n unwind
this is Z1 fuckin with your mind
juz sayn fuck you you n your crew,
and all of your kind,
im surprised that you never knew
that it was i n my crew
who were ones fuckin with you
spittin in your face spittin rhymes to beats
 X you up if i se your name on the street 
juz fuckin with your mind allday
fuck it we are the A.W.A
graffiti writers writin on walls n trains
bustin the vandalsquads balls N brains.....................

bla bla palla skriva mer!

nå? kritik etcetera!.

I aint lookin for no beefs
just lookin, lookin for some of those
seven leaved leafs!