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Joto - Life is a Rose [Dikt]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-11-21 20:10

Joto - Life is a Rose [Dikt]

Dåså... Jag försökte på mina diktskills... Men liksom alla andra dikter jag skriver så blir dem alltid korta och dåliga. Enligt mig själv iallafall... Men jag försöker och det är väl det viktiga, eller hur?

Imagination... Imagine that Life is a rose...
Fantasy... Fantasize that Life is a rose...
Or think about life as a rose pictured in thoughts.
Life has picturized itself in possibility to...
...picture it´s thorns!

We all search in desire...
...and we all turn dissatisfied...
Because whatever you find in the chest of life
will be torn apart and then burnt in the fire!

But if you wait untill the ashes are cold
you can see the burnt remains of a rose.
A Rose with thorns... That laid in the Chest of Life...
And if it burnt down...
I guess that must mean the death of life?

Filosofera lite nu :P

When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold