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Krezu - when it rains it pours

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-11-20 15:48

Krezu - when it rains it pours

ay yo


when it rains it pours

when it rains it pours

when it rains it pours

the nights getting colder and darker than before

life's so short

i can feel sumtin in my heart when i talk to the lord

determination inside suffocate the pain and let my soul march forth

volition is a marvelous force,

im hangin on the edge to the hole but im slippin

caught in the concretes rythm

hit em with a touch of realness when they listen

countless days that i had restless nights

turned me to a renegade thus despite im optimistin in the life

plus the fight, to differ 'tween the wrong and right,

life is like a game doesnt matter how we play,

we all end up the same only different kind of ways

when i howl I roar

when it rains it pours...

when it rains it pours...

when it rains it pours...

when it rains it pours,

and if you didnt know it's a simple metaphore

whats bad gets worse,

sinners will perform any deed they need just to quench the thirst

i dont live and learn, because i learn and live

I learned to accept anything life gives

the hopless pushin poison in the system

try to speak to god but they know he'll never listen

trying to ignore the devils whisperin'
the fate runs wild

destructin' the pride, so fast in a blink of an eye

we livin' to die,  tied to the other side,
dont be scared be alive keep it mind,
i keep it in mines, and keep this in yours,
when it rains it pours...

Watch your mouth