Karl Mike - Fading Eyes
Innan ni läser, jag skrev en text och råkade radera hela skiten å lyckades inte få tillbaka den, så jag skrev snabbt ihop en ny av det jag minns i ren ilska så om ni ser ojämn kvalité så har ni fått svaret nu, ville fortfarande lägga upp den, känns som att det är nåt att jobba på, eller?
calm down... take a deep breath
and realize that you got to seek help
don't give up, think of what you're missing
medication doesn't always include liquid
try to move on, it's all in the past
I'm going strong despite these facts
I'll forgive you even if you fooled me, love
my experience tells me there's no rules in love...
I'm ready to deal with it, solve problems
but it wont happen unless you start talking
wont ask you why you did it...
but I'll ask, if you're going to stab me again
and once more break this allready fragile chain
will you be able to look into my eyes
watch my life fade away
and live with it?