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Bringing You Down (Simpo Diss)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-11-05 17:44

Bringing You Down (Simpo Diss)

I am finnish with you.. Bye bye, no more Simpo

cuz the sleepingtime is over like for Homer Simpson

You are so incompetent, your IQ are under zero

you see, it's like your the bad guy and I´m the hero

cuz I allways win and you are loosing everytime

You better stay inside insted of play with my mind

cuz you ain't Will Smith, you are laughable

you are a appendage to Chompa26 like Ron Stoppable

Your lines are even more wack then yourself

and it ain't no cool to steal other chorus

You better stop thinking with your dick so much

better put alarm on my bars or else your would steal my lines

I heard that you had sex.. Is that true?

no, I´m just kiding.. You have no where to put it out to

Fucking with me? Man, thats gonna cost your shoes

are you hardcore? Man I don't give a fuck like prostitutes

Your anyway to wack for me, it's the way of life

and you probably ducked when they laid the gunshot in your song

Anledning, han har gått på mig flera gånger, hatat på mig utan anledning och så. Nu var det lite payback time.

Keller Crew