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2006-10-24 01:28


I'm back. Läs och ge kritik. Jag vill ha konstruktiv kritik, vad var bra (om något), vad var mindre bra?

No matter if you're shy or love to make a scene
My advise for you is, you can't be afraid to dream...

Imagine if your constant fight in life was to work nine to five
Always slide aside, and without the freaking right to whine
Because you could lose your chance to provide for life
And you didn't even care if you stayed alive or died
Be married and have two kids, but your wife is faceless
Tell me, what's the point of living if your life is tasteless
You'll get bored of it and spend your days getting high and wasted
And before you know it you'll be dead and find out your time was wasted
We all want to become rich and famous, so can anyone of you bitches blame us? When none of us wants to die as Mr. Nameless
So we spit bars in dreams of becoming big stars
Have a mansion and six cars and just live large
And I guess dreaming is well, but you need to believe in yourself
If you wanna achieve in your wealth instead of decieving yourself
Because searching for the meaning of life is a meaning itself
Instead of letting your dreams burn to ashes and meet' em in hell

Always look on the bright side of life