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HBD - Falling

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-09-03 15:22

HBD - Falling

Behövde skriva av mig lite..blev lite diktaktigt till slut..oh det som är kursiverat är citat från folk..jag har inte baitat det.

Losing my grip..
Gotta hold on..but do I want to ?
Can't help standing in a pile of shiit,
Have to get up..but do I want to ?
I'm falling and I can't turn back..

Want to make you all proud..
I wish that I could,
But it seems impossible right now..
But I will try , I swear..
I'm trying , but it's hard to change

I want to come home with straight A's ,
But it feels that I'm going to fail the 9th grade..
I just want to get tru' ,
So that I don't feel guilt to you..
Just gotta make it

Don't want to get drunk evety weekend,
Instead I want to shine..and act good all the time
I'm trying , but I'm really week N'
It's seems that I'm...
Falling and I can't turn back

(f)Don't want to..(/f)but it seems that I'm losing my grip , and I'm falling and I cant turn back..

When someone seems too good to be true, they usually are..