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Illuminati- 2012

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-08-30 20:05

Illuminati- 2012

My brain,Goes counterwise rewind i desided my birth,
Mc? Bitches Please i Made my first LP to make the womb burst,
Arised!, in B-Boy stance,Blood rains,Nurses faints and priest cries,
Gazed the bellybutton scissor to make dr.who? Dr. surcomsized,
Loop the cathedral orgel beat made patients organs open,
Six a clock news '' Well i guess it was a mechanical disortment''
Clueless.I like heat so bring your gat,Im the cat that Blazes Ra!,
So divine that shooting stars target all so called gods balls,
Humans are detestible vulnerable repulsive and indulgent,
And all of yall will die because you make things so compulsive,
etc,etc anyways you get the drift,And If not 'fuck it' il still laugh when you drown in shit,
I hate space and how small it is,there is no power in you species, So my telekinesis,Collide with my mind to get yall covered in feesies!

''You only exist in my mind''

Year 2012

-Sweets for the Sweet-