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I try and i try

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-08-09 00:39

I try and i try


i try to be me, at the same time i dont know
whats meant to be for me when i grow old
wait a second hold on, can i go on?
can i say what i want in my own song?
people care to much about everything
lights there but they afraid to let it in
and i fear that many lifes are gettin cold
and i know that many lies are gettin told
and i think its time that we realize
that the life that we live is the real life
dont get another chance to make wrong right
but im allright, try to make this song tight
man its been a long night
sometimes i feel like this must be the wrong life

i try and i try im tired of lies
just wanna be a reliable guy
and i never wanna feel the same
but still again i feel the pain

ska skriva en till vers o droppa denna som audio.
