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Where did things go wrong?

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-08-03 18:03

Where did things go wrong?

Om ni läser så kan ni väl lämna en kommentar också? Det skulle uppskattas.

She starts to think along the line, where did things
Go wrong in life?But it seems hard to find a response in mind
She used to have it all, but now she's got nothing left
She used to love life, but instead she's loving death
So it's while hoping he was there, choking on her tears
coping with her fears, realizing hopelessness is here, that she opens another beer....
All she does everyday is to drown her sorrows
Where yesterday is now, and now is tomorrow
She thirsts to cry but it even hurts to try
She's cursed inside, thinking that she deserves to die
she doesn't even have a single tissue that's dry
I wish she would try, but she's just living to die
She used to be full of life, now she's a walking carcus
Her future used to be bright, now she walks in darkness
She's exhausted, and won't put up the fight again
She's just gonna let time pass and wait for life to end

Always look on the bright side of life