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H-CRIB - why moma?

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-07-20 15:34

H-CRIB - why moma?

Where shuld i start this of i don`t have i clue,
How can i start this with out remembering you?
This shit started when i was just a young man,
How the fuck can you expekt me to understand?

I know i was the one that you gave birth to,
But how can you ask me to watch him hurt you?
my only question is why did you marry that phony?
Every day i come home you tell new lies for me.

And i dont eaven know why it have to be so,
Well mom you better have a really good reason.
You know mum im realy glad you took him as your husband,
were els will you find an idiot with debts of hundreds of thousends.

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jag är dyslektisk och droppar hårdare rader än dej... SKÄMS!!!!