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La Gioconda...Mona Lisa

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-06-20 20:04

La Gioconda...Mona Lisa

Ännu ett drop från topic battle på en annan sida...denna omgången fick vi en bild som topic och min bild var denna: Mona Lisa

La Gioconda...

Hells fire n’ landscapes depicted...it’s all complete desolation
Obsolete evasions, he painted a face that defeated the hatred
Mona Lisa, sacred...the face of female purity put on a canvas
A face so beautiful that answers of who she really was perished
From garrisons, prisions, castles n towns this face was cherished
A marriage with the brush, a touch of paint and a strained mood
Floods of feelings under a drained moon, chained to the room
An empty mind and a thought of beauty and all the feigned love
Rain in puddles got to be the background that saved him above
Pain and struggle, depticiting the aim of forever keeping IT alive
Beauty is something that is an outstanding example of it’s kind
So was the plans of this painting, maintaining the lust in mind
Thrust the grime and dirt to the background to save a lustful smirk
from every stroke of paint during a decade this goddess came to life
He named her nothing, stared at her and reminisced of his wife
The madonna, the jocund Lisa, Mon’ ami created out of dreams
And it seems that divinity was this miracle from color to sheet
By no means created to treat life like lust or to lust life like treats
Get burned and then scorned in hells fires, ditched on the streets
If he’d depticted her feet, the simple holyness would be complete
But like the backround, the clouds, the mountains and the rivers
There’s always something for your imagination to deliver...
look at the painting, close your eyes and see the gloomy n sweet
vision the smile and smell her awareness blooming with the heat
It took him four years of sweat and tears to finish this piece...
And it’ll take us a lifetime to decode his thoughs n deminish beliefs...

But I believe that if the holy beauty was depicted it’ll look like her...

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein