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Enlist for leukemia...

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-06-07 03:25

Enlist for leukemia...

Enlist for leukemia, commercialize and redeem from hysteria
Dream of miracles; see the clean beams mending the spiritual
Shit faced drenched in the stench from old fries and muddy coke
Take the poisoned food and watch all the old buddies choke
Bodies poked from the pillars of hope like some old funny jokes
Laugh today and cry later, say goodbye to favors n hi to labor
Slaves under fat and sweetness, greet addiction like neighbors
You know….With an apple pie and some home made cookies
Bones slave to stand in line at the bookies betting on rookies
Suckers are spending cash on dreams of becoming filthy n rich
While at the same time digging the ditch towards filth and piss
So work your eight hours support the two and a half children
While feeding on reality shows in search of that half million
You’ll be billing the rights of freedom to your local pharmacist
Everything becomes so soft with Zoloft but pardon me miss…
A part of the miss is missing in action in front of the TV relaxing…
Cleanse your mind; buy into the future by getting prepared now
A new era is closing in to suit your visions but don’t get scared now
If you are ready for tomorrow, today will be your dreams n goals
Live the life that you deserve, snap the mental picture, heed the soul
Think that peace is gold and we as a whole are the children of change
Building the strength to lengthen our life when service is mandatory
Hand the glory to yourself and disband the gore your land is pouring
Freedom from stress, relieve the mess of quests, believe your breaths
Breathe to feed on what’s positive, but it’s your own entire prerogative

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein