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Det var ett tag sen sist..

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-05-27 02:51

Det var ett tag sen sist..

this is the consequence of sick mentalities, an early stepping stone
it's hazardous, the serenety - and you're too scared of letting go
the positive is negative, don't you dare to let it grow
you're setting goals of never to endulge in hate
you engulfed the bait and been fed the fatal sentence
your body's next tenant will as the fables burn up in pride
I'm making tables turn inside when walking down the line
I'm letting babies born then choking single moms
I'm betting savings on the broken simple ones
and putting cradles in you barren cripples hands
deducting parents of their daring living plans
and struck their caring down their blatant grinning trance..

Enligt er, är det någon idé att lägga mer tid på detta alster?

I live in it, breathin' it, more than just fuckin' belive in it..