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Dekoy - Engelsk text.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-05-20 12:33

Dekoy - Engelsk text.

I remember the place where i where back in 99,
the time changed and i wrote my first ryhme,
life was so easy cause you were still young,
still having dreams about earning an million,
went to school, and in the third grad,
making good, and never had to be afraid,
about life situations, just to be patient,
life will go on with problems just face it,
then i was nine and now iam sexteen,
who am i? do you know what i mean?
cause you know that, time changes people,
some will be good and some will be evil,
lie to your parents but learn from your misstake,
other ways then you will be the big fake,
kiss your mother and tell her you love her,
listen to your heart and let nothingelse bother,

Min första lite serriösa text på engelska. Tips vad bör jag tänka på vad tycks?
