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Joto - Oseriöst shit..

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-05-14 01:42

Joto - Oseriöst shit..

Nej jag vet inte vad jag gör och är på skrivar humör.

Is it my turn? Aha! I see, as the oposite of Ray Charles.
It is my time to play now so get away from my playground.
Or well whatever.. You can play on, I´ll make frightened.
Because Im so damn scary that you´ll be in need of a diper.
but aint my looks... I guess its my personality. Im fly..
But you are only fly when there is only zero in gravity!
What a punchline... Now im listening to Atmosphere...
You have runned out of time so get the hell out of there.
Because this is my playground. Time just passed three..
When you look in the mirror you dont se "sexy ass me"
but you yourself combined with Mel brooks and Michael Moore.
You are a dope fuck, but still you are a tighter whore.
I dont know what im saying, I got to be stupid..
You are so dumbed you call your alter ego for Stu Pidh.
Two bars left I´ll leave your toolbars dead.
Here, have som boomshine. You just got foodbars left.

förlåt om jag flummar för mycket :(

When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold