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Abracadabra!... Fuck.. You still suck.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-05-02 01:21

Abracadabra!... Fuck.. You still suck.

I got bored so I killed some people.

Fuck acting nice, this is all puberty like fucking apple pies
Let me cast some light on this bastard site full of battle rhymes
To me, you don't exist like conspiracy theories' satelites
"Den Röda tråden" is a laser sight, aimed to snipe
If I could just say this twice;
You don't even exist like cool asian guys
What do you want? An autograph or a photo
Okay, just say cheese and I'll shoot you, so pose
And I don't mean taking a fucking picture
I mean blast you with bullets till your fathers dick hurt
You're pulling out punchies directly bitten from Ricki Lake
You lick my face like I'm Trish and you're Mickie James
All of you would fuck cocks even if you were roosters
By the way, that line about asian guys is fat guys excluded
(sorry Queff!!)
I hate swedish ghetto-lingo..
Think you're Zlatan cos you're from Rosengård?
The only similarity is that you both like to play with balls

Fuck this I'm off!

Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains
Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose