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Chilltone - My guardian angel

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-04-28 21:25

Chilltone - My guardian angel

A song to the paradise, rap for my god
Now you and the angels share the same blood
So my tears are falling, but turns to water
which turns back to heaven, up to my father
you are important to me, my guarian angel
you are a buity for me, far from a stranger
I know its hard days, but I have to stay strong
Untill the gates will open, help me pray along
The road up to heaven, to meet you again
Im the mode to say that i miss you my friend
A missing piece of fam and a road model man
I miss you deeply, come and cuddle me dad

Where are you
Where are you
Where are you (where are you)
I miss you so deeply now
...And why wont you
...please come back to me

A song to the paradise, rap for my god
Now you and the angels share the same blood
I tryed to name you a star, but that was to hard
you're a bigger art above... even if its so far
memories are making me get tears of joy
flashbacks with hard years for a little boy
but not alone, I belive you kept me stay strong
A hope for a smile on your lips makes this song
A message thru holy sounds from the ground
Chilltone make me feel like we are on clouds
I got a feeling I cant explain, tears like rain
...Dad I miss you but still we will meet again

Where are you
Where are you
Where are you (where are you)
I miss you so deeply now
...And why wont you
...please come back to me

A song to the paradise, rap for my god
Now you and the angels share the same blood
I know, there is a place behind us with freedom
You are there with chosen souls, you feel them
No ways of sickness, here it was clearley enough
To rough problems to stop fear everything tough
living in sunset every morning must be paradise
and I will always belive in you and trustee is wise
this is greetings from your son, life is going well
my guardian angel will show what time will tell
And I want to say hello from family and friends
...Once again, Im happy to see you one day

one day
one day
one love
one heart

...my guardian angel

kände för att få respons på denna texten.. finns även som audio om intresset finns för det. bara att säga till.

må väl and chill out
