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Wilen- Never comes to stay | Wilen - New to me

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-04-27 23:53

Wilen- Never comes to stay | Wilen - New to me

Eftersom det finns en rolig regel på 16 bars lägger jag upp 2 texter.. Skrev en nyss o en igår.

Never comes to stay

Cus happiness never comes to stay down
And lovesongs don't burn up, they fade out
Name one thing that was true from the minute it startet 'til it ended
I'm guessing nothing, not even this sentence
Senseless vengeance turns people into crazy henchmens
And then we have envy, which makes us hate people we love cus they made it
Crazy, ain't it? Well, I'm tellin you, people don't like to change
So why be strange, you might as well ride the wave, but I wont

New to me

It's easy to see your problem, easier to deny it
It's hard for me to solve it, harder to live like this
When I go to bed, I know I'll be seized with dread
So I get drunk as fuck, the only way to relieve the press
My head is fucked, I remember the way I used to be
But being the way I use to be would fell totally new to me
