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Admit it or not.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-04-08 05:57

Admit it or not.

Jag är sjukt tankad. Så ursäkta eventualla stavfel. Peys!

"I taught you everything you know
But not every thing I know."

Are you shitting me, kidding me?
Think yall would actually get rid of me
Sitting giggling while you're skimmin'
Through my life-history, I'll never quit
Like Fegon dissing a text dissing me
You always ask me about words, grammars ands answers
In fact, our msn-log could be the next fucking Websters
Are you still looking for a s1ndrome in stockholm
You'll never find it like a slim bitch hosting a talk show
I noticed your lines about dotcom/drop bombs
I wrote those in 02...... when you were rhyming me and be
Fuck t-shirt signings, I'll stuff your ass with tee and tee
Tyresö was never awesome, claiming you're Stockholm
You don't even drop shit after a meal of tacos (Blazed and hyped)
Writing is a gift, whether you admit it or not (Chased and sniped)
You're just another victim lost (Laser sight)
Covered in more red little dots........
Than kids with chicken pocks...
I'm sick of pac.. -impersonating little jocks
I wouldn't come at you if you licked my cock
Atleast I'm honest about it
Some people taught me, some people inspired me
So I aquired skills, and now my teachers admire me
You're a fucking APA like Farooq and Bradshaw
But I ain't mad atcha; I'm just laughing at ya

Peace.. Kid..

Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains
Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose