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Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-04-05 03:24


Madness – one part of the brain in hibernation, sleeping
sadness – the other part is aiming for liberation n sweetness
a lying steeple feeding on peoples reaped eagerness
blessed with the blood of the enemy resting on shoulders
the world is getting colder – and what you buy can be sold
souls are traded for potholes in a society that's too cold
the hell is freezing, they dwell on pleasing the beast
hail Satan, fuck a Mary and a Moses – Jehovah will pay
I'll say it'll all be over one day, hearts get molded to clay
there's soldiers and prey, corruption on a global array
children with AK's folding a blade - roaming the dome
the religions till stand strong from Rome to your home
and there's phones to be tapped, and maps to the loans
money is owned, banks are to be thanked for bones
dried out and slaughtered, ripped by the lead of a gun
federal stunts performed with the blessing that metal is fun
while people are stuck with the fascination of chromed rims
mother earth is moaning while governments blow things
blaming the disturbed coating on populations and mankind
how a bout that word mankind...it should be man vicious
suspiciousness killed the cat and not Muslims n Christians
cuz man hunt the blood spilled from weak opponents
and so the meek shall inherit the leftovers of a bad omen
six years ago an inaccurate inauguration was the fact
while we all sit back and relax our states get whacked
the bell of liberty must have cracked for a real reason
the treason of word democracy and blood for freedom
a world watched the acts of playing checkers with thoughts
wrecking constitutions, democracy, the wreckage we bought
seeing states patronizing the redemption of exemption
let us see and you'll be free, do as you're told, fit the mold
your neighbor is a terrorist committing thought crimes
bombs got set in London and the illuminated bought time
caught minds – enslaved them by propaganda and info
and it'll take another illuminated person to see how it's simple
we're now limping at the brink of seeing no more free thinking
buy it now, no refunds...cuz this here is your only freedom...
the government, terrorists and media having a threesome
scratching the backs of each other reaching a same goals
total global domination, to roam the globe by modulating...
as the steeple of the pyramid moderating us the people
thoughts are feeble and who's to believe through this evil
I say locate the glasses use your head to educate the masses
for the masters of the old are still having us as slaves
there will be a new world that'll separate the weak from brave
so speak your way and inform you brothers what to say
paradise is lost and for the cost of greed and corruption
but heed in a distant future the need for truth is erupting...

so speak now...or forever hold your breathe...
the pen is mightier than the sword, please don't lead us to death...

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein