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Oskar44 - Mrs. Welfare Lady [Eng]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-03-20 10:53

Oskar44 - Mrs. Welfare Lady [Eng]


Här kommer en flumm text.. Ska till Soss idag så jag krafsade ner något med det temat. Kritik uppskattas!


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...Yeah, Hello Miss, I'm here 'bout the social welfare
I brougth all the paper's you asked, n' I combed my hair
I know it's not like me, but I really need that money
See I'm wearin my fine shoes, even' though I ain't got any
So, if I got the funds I could pay the rent and the phone bill
I coul'd feel free without getting bent and takin' loans still
"Well, young man, you see in this town we all know each other."
"And I know for a fact you'r a drug addict so don't bother."
"I know you'd take this money and buy dope for it!"
"Sellin' it to school kids leavin' their parent's to cope with it."
But I... "Hush! Don't you even start givin' me atitude!"
Atitude? Lady, you must have ya' brain on the wrong latitude
I can piss in a mug, if ya' think i ain't tellin the truth
Yeah, my clothes are torn n' i look like a cracker, but think
I ain't got no money, standin' in the store "Should I eat or drink?"
So please lady, let me recollect and reorganize my statements
If ya won't help I must let serial killer's sleep in my appartment
You think you are preventin' but actually ya' are pushin'
Jus't another undereducated cat, who now has to be hustlin
As you said, this be a small town n' everyone is afflicted
And the way you run' thing's everyone is allready addicted
Fuck this, ya' leave no room for livin' like a person
Either you' a thief, a slinger or even worse
You claim this town to the senior's, so they can walk safely
Safe from what? Us kid's who are out ever so lately?
Creepin' like a black mass, worse then hoodrats from Alcatraz
Yeah, we got us some secret stash, full of illegal hash
And we smoke it, toke it, puff and pass it to yo' right
If ya made it legal, we could all be gardener's right?
Chillin' tending the plant's with love n' compassion
Instead of cop's havin' to drag me down to the station?...
...So if that's all, I'll guess i'll be on my way n' leave ya'
Thank you for the cheque, I gotta go smoke a reefer...

"Yeah, I'll be there in 5 minutes."
5 hour's later, I'll be there in 5 minutes.