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Spex - Love pt. III

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-03-15 00:48

Spex - Love pt. III

A ten second connection
You captured my eyes with your reflection
My attention with your perfection
Passing me in the hallway on my lunchbreak
With eyes that made me want to change
Not only for loves sake
I remember it all like yesterday
Some time ago, I saw you in the assembly hall
And you kept me wondering, when will we catch eyes
When you would keep my perception beyond past rhymes
And write texts blessed by your aura
Take me under your wings, you under mine
Evaluate what yet is undefined
Turn my atheism to sum' divine, sing my lullaby, wonderchild
see the hunger in my bloody eyes
I can't sleep
I can't sleep, can't see, can't feel
This can't be
I was fooled into love, I was taunted by your eyes
Mislead by your looks, now you got me on your hook
I ate the bait
..you just have to pull me up from the water

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