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winners and loosers

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-03-08 20:37

winners and loosers

bronse, silver and gold, so I've been told
the loosers get nothing and we let the winners the future hold
the loosers is the poor and the winners are rich
some starves, while some buys a new house when life's a bitch
the winners don't stand a chanse when it comes to saving humanity
bicause you can't buy sanity
I am proud to be a looser, 'cause I still got head enough to know what I'm fighting for
the winners have no idea, but the loosers already knows what to do when they hit the floor
so they can pick them selves up
the winners are so blinded by there own materialist beliefs, that they can be buyed in to shut up
but we poor loosers are so used to not have shit that we fight untill the end and takes bullets for our own
the rich winners are stuck in the same system, while we loosers show that with the knowledge we have grown

in this world the loosers are practised and the wealthy are beginners
in this world the loosers are the real winners



to long we have been in the same system