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Halvklar låttext, tycks?

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-03-05 00:15

Halvklar låttext, tycks?

Jo jag håller på me en låt ja, men den e inte riktigt klar ännu.
Men ja bara tänkte kolla va ni små gossar tycker såhär långt? =) Om de e någorlunda bra elr om ja borde lägga ner helt å hållet =P

Aiight, this one was ordered.. Some regular shit.
Some "real" hiphop.. Now I got it for ya.. I hope you like it.
So yeah.. Take your time an' listen.. Here we go..

Vers 1:
Yo, let's start with my life, before we get tight
I like pimpin' hoes and then fuck 'em all night
Naah I'm just kidding, where's your sense of humor?
Sit down, chillax, before you get a tumor
You know I wouldn't do that, I got my girl
My baby's all I need, she's my God damn world
I loved you with my whole heart from the very start
Don't think nothing else, I said it myself
Nothing will help, it doesn't matter how you try
To fly with this guy, I won't come by
I'd rather die than see my own sweetheart cry
To look up in the sky and whipe a tear in her eye
Please rely on me, I will keep 'em both dry
Imagine this july, alone you and I
Lieing on your porch with a coke-supply
With my arm around you and the sun up high


Vers 2:
Now all these U-turn faggets in all their glory
Your some sad motherfuckers let me tell you a story
I murdered the pope and then served him some dope
I smash-attacked in his back and heard the shit broke
You can't get to me, I'll just make you fly around
Cuz I'm down with the clown 'till I'm dead in the ground
And thats a fact man, just like bread and ham
No matter what my name's still RedRumSsam

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