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n0xn - levels

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2006-01-28 00:57

n0xn - levels

ett halvdant snabbt försök på engelska... :) kommentera gärna =D

We were both on whole different levels of thinking
I thought you were the one with real steady feelings
But my thoughts faded like sun on winter evenings
I wanted to believe that emotion was just sleeping
But I got grounded and started to feel really bad
But I did tell you cause I really hate to see you sad
I want to let go and god I wish it was not so
Cause you made me grow and you bended your lovebow
And struck me right trough my heart of hard stone
And made the weak parts of me turn into gold
I'm sold on you, but you were thinking too much
Wanted so little, and it obvious we're stuck
It really sucks, cause I really wanted to sacrifice
Everything to smooth it out and make us stand
On our own strength, not by livin on other people
And I really wanted us to know how we were really feeling
Cause I could be great, it was all up to you
I wanted the deepest of you in my face like sunrise blazing
Otherwise I must force my feelings to begin changing

Om man frågar vem Du är, svara:- Jag är grabben, som lever.
Och om dom frågar vad gör Du, så svara - Allt och ingenting, jag lever i tiden..."