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Rain - This tree is damaged to the roots

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-12-15 20:20

Rain - This tree is damaged to the roots

This despicable truth of my excruciating youth constantly emerges
This tree is damaged to the roots so it’s a constant reminder of this burden.
The words I say have no meaning and the tears I fell is instantly forgotten
It doesn’t matter what I’m saying because I’ve reached rock bottom.

I’m asleep deep inside myself waiting for the moment I can wake up
But I’m afraid to see the world as it is, I don’t want my dream to brake up
But I have to stand up, because the years has gone by so fast, I don’t record them
And my emotions has always been my guide, but now I’m in war with them

You might not really understand what’s going on inside of a deep person
You might have created facades of yourself that you define as street versions
But I search for answers and a meaning to really express my thoughts
Even do this tree, is damaged to the roots…

I’m barefoot in the snow and I have no place left to go
I’ve seen everything I need to know to let my fears go
To finally tell you why I tell you everything I know…
… Yes, because this tree is damaged to the roots.

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