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Rain - The sun of the new world

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-12-13 23:47

Rain - The sun of the new world

The sun of the new world arises over the dead horizon
I’ve never seen anything quite like it, I can’t believe my eyes
Sparks fly and angels dies when the sky surrenders
To the fare faithful dreams of our own adventures

The chilling winter mornings brings the frost back to our hearts
But the gesture we bring each others kills our world tonight
We can arise from pain, but we can’t fall back into happiness
We can’t live as we learn; we can’t imagine our own success

We can only see the treetops trough our hollow eyes
We can hear the whispers but never know who lies
The stories we tell are short but they tell us something
That some parts of life are not left to imagine

The dead ocean, the unwilling sun and the absence of stars
Tell us that the things we see, isn’t what they seem to be
The lack of beauty and the presence of the things we fear
Tells us that the life we live isn’t anywhere near.

Recognize /R

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