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sharp and dangerous - Ronnback (english)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-12-13 23:05

sharp and dangerous - Ronnback (english)

im sharp and dangerous, like the tip of a sword
your the opposite, only know how to sit on the floor
thats the very best you can bring to the ring
defensless, as i sing and swing like a king
your afraid man, theres no fuckin doubt about it
im not kind bitch, im like surround sound, shit
ill come at ya, from every direction
and when we meet up, time for dissection
your guts spread out all over the streets
and blood changed the color of your bed sheets
you took it one step to far, fate hit u in the face
lookin for a new scar? comeon step up to the plate
im ready to swing at you, anywhere anytime
got questions?, hell is where? hell is mine!
im the definition of unkind, and unreliable
your the definition of unsigned, and undesirable
