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Joto - nått flummit

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-12-13 22:07

Joto - nått flummit

Well man I am obsessed of being upset
and I am really obsessed of being obsessed
of being obsessed to something really bad!
This invicible shell is hiding who I really am...
Joto in a nutshell? I´d rather think its a bucket,
I feel so stale and just want to let go and fuck it..
Im stuck in the fucking "yo" whoa comunity....
I wanna see ashamed kids so fuck opportunities!
I watch the cruelty, beefs in and beefs out..
I see them tauntin about hoes and fake machineguns!
Fuck fake bullets, I spit harder then that, fuck you!
They think they are cool cuz they master the chat!
Its larger than that... Its taken one step higher.
I got a desire... I better make it real before I retire!
Whatever... This is anyway a five minute session.
I kick you like the fotball you are down the descent..

When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold