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Ändroo – Hard to the Core! Benhårt IGEN!!!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-12-13 15:15

Ändroo – Hard to the Core! Benhårt IGEN!!!

Kör på samma stil som min senaste, Ändroo – God had a second son.
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Hard to the core, heart, and organs, I'm the god of your war
The son of a gun, what you think he fathered me for?
Hand locked to a sword until I'm disarmed and dropped to the floor
I'm impossibly raw, in the back of your mind like the top of your jaw
Cockin the four, I'm an absolute vision of violence
The decision to fire it, rests restlessly in the grip of tyrant
Ready and willing, a god's body with the head of a villian
Filled with a cold vision so wicked that the dead would have spilled it
If they were able to feel it, but I slaughtered their souls
The prodigal foe, there's blood on my hands and my body is cold
I'm probably the most viscious, sickest figure, sipping your vomit
I don't need oxygen, I'd prosper in the tip of comet
I can leap from a pit to a summit, into the pit of your stomach
I'm as sick as they come and there's always sickness to come with
Anything I'm delievering to make humans bleed
I could face you and flee and still break you in threes
With a blade's edge aimed dead at your waist and your knees
Basically I'm the Matrix on speed even at an eighth of my speed
Hatred and greed, lust, envy and pride
But I feel empty inside until I empty the nine and my enemies die