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As The Woman Turns.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-12-07 20:42

As The Woman Turns.

The end is near, exploding effect without cause
Our shadows are dancing off-rhytm on the walls
Her insecurites blatantly cast reflections in a lifetime
But the dandruff in her black hair turns to a nightsky
In my eyes, she's the definition of heartless gore
Perfection, stained by flaws, the rain starts to pour
Her disease is incurable, spreading itself to every continent
Syndromes are constantly trying to prove their dominance
The oceans revolt against the land as the world shakes
Seas are boiling and houses collapsing to earthquakes
Virgins scream, flames bursting from wedding gowns
Their babies born with their eyes turned inside out
Demons rise in form of waves to show who's inferior
The present is loose and we focus on hard material
We look ahead, our past is leaving fast and easy
Hour glasses freezing, the last hour passes freely
Ripping the symbiosis, cirrhosis and prophets devotion
The end is here, frozen in motion by every emotion

Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains
Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose